Current Issues

 Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, and 10 are positive – others are opportunities for reform                                                                             
1. Board of Supervisors (minus Bruce Gibson) directs staff to prepare ordinance eliminating the Housing in Lieu Tax –
an 11 year COLAB effort.

2. Board of Supervisors majority adopts redistricting map which eliminates 2011 gerrymanders. So far the map has survived 3 separate court challenges. District 2 becomes competitive.

3. County withdraws from ideological Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) – Others may follow when
County starts its reformed system.

4. Board of Supervisors repeals COVID state of emergency.
Vows that any future emergencies will be limited to 14 days which will force staff to return for renewals.

5. Culture of corruption infects some local agencies in SLO County as evinced by the Adam Hill/Helios Dayspring case,
the IWMA thefts and contract cronyism, APCD Dunes Dust Rule amendments without Board approval, and various special districts’ exec directors contracting with their own engineering firms for district work.

6. Election Integrity – No voter ID; Same day registration/voting; Ballots mailed to all voters; and chain of custody issues.

7. Joint MIT-Stanford analysis: “Keep Diablo Open” – Local and State leaders should push this opportunity. Board has written Governor asking him to help keep the plant open.

8.  Homeless prevention and remediation programs failing everywhere. State now recognizes that accountability must
be built in. 

9.  Elected officials in all agencies must have more stomach to question staff recommendations and analyses.

10. County Charter proposal – limited scope. Designed to provide local voter control when Supervisor and County Constitutional Officer slots go vacant midterm.

11. Central Coast Community Energy Authority fake green energy electric bill “savings” erased, and massive long term contractual energy contract obligations   incurred. Promises evaporating over time. Your bill will rise with the brown outs.