What is COLAB?

COLAB is the Agriculture, Business & Labor Educational Coalition of San Luis Obispo County. COLAB is a California Mutual Benefit Non-Profit 501 (c) (6) corporation. Membership is limited to those involved in agriculture, business or labor.

COLAB also sponsors a 501(c)3 tax exempt Foundation

Why was COLAB created?

San Luis Obispo County, like many counties in California, has a disproportionate lack of representation for the interests of agriculture, business and labor in county government. Populated, urban areas in our county, by shear voting numbers, dominate our local government. These voters often times lack an understanding and appreciation for the relationship between agriculture, business and labor and the overall economic growth of the County.

The result is that our County government is dominated by special interest groups whose focus is solely upon preservation to the exclusion of economic vitality. Under the current County administration, private property rights and the County’s economy have taken a back seat to these special interest groups. COLAB was created as vehicle to give its members a powerful voice in the community to promote economic vitality while preserving our precious heritage.

What is COLAB’S mission?

COLAB’s mission is to promote the common business interests of its members by providing information and education on issues which have or may have an impact on its membership.

To achieve its mission, COLAB will engage in political activities which promote those common business interests and in doing so foster a positive image for agriculture, business and labor in the community.

COLAB shall represent its members before the San Luis Obispo Board of Supervisors and any other local or national governing body and if necessary take legal or administrative action for the mutual benefit of the members.

What is COLAB’s vision?

COLAB’S vision is the creation of a community and political environment that respects the private property rights of the individual while fostering economic growth and prosperity for all of the citizens of the County.

Who can belong to COLAB?

Membership is open to citizens involved in Agriculture, Business, Labor and supporting industries. It is also open to citizens, in all walks of life, who support our constitutional heritage, personal security, protection of private property, and freedom.

If you agree with our goals please help by becoming a member!

Executive Director Andy Caldwell

Andy Caldwell is Executive Director of COLAB Santa Barbara & San Luis Obispo Counties. Andy is The Voice of Reason for the California Central Coast. The Andy Caldwell Show airs Live Monday thru Friday 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM and can be heard from Ventura to San Luis Obispo...... MORE -

Government Affairs Director Michael Brown

Mike Brown is the Government Affairs Director of the Coalition of Labor, Agriculture, and Business of both San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties. The two COLABs are separate nonpartisan, non- profit government watchdogs and advocates representing farmers, ranchers, vineyards, developers, professional firms, contractors, and publicly spirited citizens who oppose increased government regulation, fees, and taxes......MORE-